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Arrow - Class in tech.v3.libs
Bindings to save/load datasets apache arrow streaming format.


column(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Return the column named cname else throw exception.
columnCount(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Return the number of columns.
columnDef(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Efficiently create a column definition explicitly specifying name and data.
columnDef(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Efficiently create a column definition explicitly specifying name, data, and missing.
columnDef(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Efficiently create a column definition explicitly specifying name, data, missing, and metadata.
columnMap(Object, Object, IFn, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Map a function across 1 or more columns to produce a new column.
concatCopying(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Concatenate an Iterable of datasets into one dataset via copying data into one dataset.
concatInplace(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Concatenate an Iterable of datasets into one dataset via creating virtual buffers that index into the previous datasets.
correlationTable(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Return a map of column to inversely sorted from greatest to least sequence of tuples of column name, coefficient.
correlationTable(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Return a map of column to inversely sorted from greatest to least sequence of tuples of column name, pearson correlation coefficient.


datasetSeqToParquet(Iterable, String, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.libs.Parquet
datasetSeqToStream(Iterable, Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.libs.Arrow
Save a sequence of datasets to a single stream file.
datasetToParquet(Object, String, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.libs.Parquet
datasetToStream(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.libs.Arrow
Save a dataset to apache stream format.
descriptiveStats(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Create a dataset of the descriptive statistics of the input dataset.
descriptiveStats(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Create a dataset of the descriptive statistics of the input dataset.
distinct(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Returns a distinct reducer produces a set of distinct values.
distinctUInt32(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Returns a distinct reducer that produces a roaringbitmap of distinct values.
dropColumns(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Drop columns by name.
dropRows(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Drop rows by index.


fillRangeReplace(Object, Object, double, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Expand a dataset ensuring that the difference between two successive values is less than max-span.
filter(Object, IFn) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Filter a dataset.
filterColumn(Object, Object, IFn) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Filter a dataset.
first(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Rolling
reducer that keeps the first value
fitCategorical(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Fit an object->integer transform that takes each value and assigned an integer to it.
fitCategorical(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Fit an object->integer transformation.
fitMinMax(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Fit a bias and scale the dataset that transforms each colum to a target min-max value.
fitMinMax(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Fit a minmax transformation that will transform each column to a minimum of -0.5 and a maximum of 0.5.
fitOneHot(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Fit a transformation from a single column of categorical values to a one-hot encoded group of columns.
fitOneHot(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Fit a mapping from a categorical column to a group of one-hot encoded columns.
fitPCA(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Fit a PCA transformation on a dataset.
fitPCA(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Fit a PCA transformation onto a dataset keeping 95% of the variance.
fitStdScale(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Calculate per-column mean, stddev.
fixedWindow(long) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Rolling
Return fixed size rolling window.
fixedWindow(long, Keyword) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Rolling
Return fixed size rolling window.
fixedWindow(long, Keyword, Keyword) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Rolling
Return fixed size rolling window.


groupBy(Object, IFn) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Group a dataset returning a Map of keys to dataset.
groupByColumn(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Group a dataset by a specific column returning a Map of keys to dataset.
groupByColumnsAgg(Iterable, Object, Map, Map) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Group a sequence of datasets by column or columns an in the process perform an aggregation.


head(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Return the first 5 rows of the dataset
head(Object, long) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Return the first N rows of the dataset


inferenceTargetLabelMap(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Return a map of val->idx for the inference target.
interpolateLOESS(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Map a LOESS-interpolation transformation onto a dataset.
interpolateLOESS(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Perform a LOESS interpolation using the default parameters.
invertCategorical(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Reverse a previously transformed categorical mapping.
invertOneHot(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Reverse a previously transformed one-hot mapping.
isDataset(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Returns true if this object is a dataset.


join(Map, Map, Map) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Perform a join operation between two datasets.


kFold(Object, long, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Produce 2*k datasets from 1 dataset using k-fold algorithm.
kFold(Object, long) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Return k maps of the form {:test-ds :train-ds}.


labels(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Find the inference column.
last(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Rolling
reducer that keeps the last value
leftJoinAsof(Object, Map, Map, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Perform a left join but join on nearest value as opposed to matching value.
leftJoinAsof(Object, Map, Map) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD


makeDataset(Object, Map) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Basic pathway to take data and get back a datasets.
makeDataset(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Make a dataset.
max(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Rolling
max reducer
mean(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Returns a mean reducer that produces a mean value of an individual source column.
mean(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Rolling
mean reducer
min(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Rolling
min reducer
missing(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Return the missing set of a dataset or a column in the form of a RoaringBitmap.
Modelling - Class in tech.v3.dataset
Functions related to training and evaluating ML models.


neanderthalToDataset(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Convert a neanderthal matrix to a dataset such that the columns of the matrix become the columns of the dataset.


Parquet - Class in tech.v3.libs
Read/write parquet files.
parquetMetadata(String) - Static method in class tech.v3.libs.Parquet
parquetToDataset(String, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.libs.Parquet
parquetToDatasetSeq(String, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.libs.Parquet
pmapDS(Object, IFn, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Parallelize mapping a function from dataset->dataset across a dataset.
probabilityDistributionToLabels(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Given a dataset where the column names are labels and the each row is a probabilitly distribution across the labels, produce a Buffer of labels taking the highest probability for each row to choose the label.
probCDFS(Object, Object, long) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Probabilistic CDF calculation, one for each double cdf passed in.
probCDFS(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Probabilistic CDF calculation, one for each double cdf passed in.
probInterquartileRange(Object, long) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Probabilistic interquartile range.
probInterquartileRange(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Probabilistic interquartile range.
probMedian(Object, long) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Probabilistic median.
probMedian(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Probabilistic median with default K of 128.
probPMFS(Object, Object, long) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Returns an approximation to the Probability Mass Function (PMF) of the input stream given a set of splitPoints (values).
probPMFS(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Returns an approximation to the Probability Mass Function (PMF) of the input stream given a set of splitPoints (values).
probQuantile(Object, double, long) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Probabilistic quantile estimation using default k of 128.
probQuantile(Object, double) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Probabilistic quantile estimation using default k of 128.
probQuantiles(Object, Object, long) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Probabilistic quantile estimation - see DoublesSketch.
probQuantiles(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Probabilistic quantile estimation using default k of 128.
probSetCardinality(Object, Map) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Calculate a probabilistic set cardinality for a given column based on one of three algorithms.


reducer(Object, IFn, IFn) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Create a custom reducer.
reducer(Object, IFn) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Create a custom reducer.
reducer(Object, IFn, Keyword) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Rolling
Create a columnwise reducer.
reducer(Object, IFn) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Rolling
Create a columnwise reducer eliding datatype parameter.
Reductions - Class in tech.v3.dataset
High speed grouping aggregations based on sequences of datasets.
renameColumns(Object, Map) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Rename columns providing a map of oldname to newname.
replaceMissing(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Replace the missing values from a column or set of columns.
replaceMissing(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Replace missing values.
reservoirDataset(long) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Return a reducer that produces a probabilistically sampled dataset of at most nRows len.
reservoirStats(Object, long, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Return a reducer which will probabilistically sample the source column producing at most nRows and then call descriptiveStatistics on it with statName.
reverseRows(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Reverse the rows of the dataset
Rolling - Class in tech.v3.dataset
Fixed and variable length rolling windows.
rolling(Object, Map, Map) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Rolling
Fixed or variable rolling window reductions.
rowCount(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Returns a rowCount reducer that returns the number of source rows aggregated.
rowCount(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Return the number of rows.
rowMap(Object, IFn) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Map a function across the rows of the dataset with each row in map form.
rowMap(Object, IFn, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Map a function across the rows of the dataset with each row in map form.
rowMapcat(Object, IFn, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Map a function across the rows of the dataset with each row in map form.
rows(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Return the rows of the dataset in a flyweight map format.
rowvecs(Object, boolean) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Return the rows of the dataset where each row is just a flat Buffer of data.
rowvecs(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Return the rows of the dataset where each row is just a flat Buffer of data.


sample(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Return a random sampling of 5 rows without replacement of the data
sample(Object, long) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Return a random sampling of N rows without replacement of the data
sample(Object, long, Map) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Return a random sampling of N rows of the data.
select(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Select a sub-rect of the dataset.
selectColumns(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Select columns by name.
selectRows(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Select rows by index.
setCardinality(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Returns a distinct reducer returns the number of distinct elements.
setCardinalityUint32(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Returns a distinct reducer that expects unsigned integer values and returns the number of distinct elements.
setInferenceTarget(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Set a column in the dataset as the inference target.
shuffle(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Randomly shuffle the dataset rows.
shuffle(Object, Map) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Randomly shuffle the dataset rows.
sortBy(Object, IFn, Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Sort a dataset by first mapping sortFn over it and then sorting over the result.
sortBy(Object, IFn, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Sort a dataset.
sortBy(Object, IFn) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Sort a dataset.
sortByColumn(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Sort a dataset by using the values from column cname.
sortByColumn(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Sort a dataset by a specific column.
sortByColumn(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Sort a dataset by a specific column.
stddev(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Rolling
stddev reducer
streamToDataset(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.libs.Arrow
Load an apache arrow streaming file returning a single dataset.
streamToDatasetSeq(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.libs.Arrow
Load an apache arrow streaming file returning a sequence of datasets, one for each record batch.
sum(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Reductions
Returns a summation reducer that sums an individual source column.
sum(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Rolling
sum reducer


tail(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Return the last 5 rows of the dataset
tail(Object, long) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Return the last N rows of the dataset
tech.v3 - package tech.v3
tech.v3.dataset - package tech.v3.dataset
tech.v3.libs - package tech.v3.libs
tensorToDataset(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Convert a tensor to a dataset such that the columns of the tensor become the columns of the dataset named after their index.
TMD - Class in tech.v3 is a high performance library for processing columnar data similar to pandas or R’ data table.
toNeanderthal(Object, Keyword, Keyword) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Convert a dataset to a neanderthal 2D matrix such that the columns of the dataset become the columns of the matrix.
toNeanderthal(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Convert a dataset to a neanderthal 2D matrix such that the columns of the dataset become the columns of the matrix.
toTensor(Object, Keyword) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Convert a dataset to a jvm-heap based 2D tensor such that the columns of the dataset become the columns of the tensor.
toTensor(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Convert a dataset to a jvm-heap based 2D double (float64) tensor.
trainTestSplit(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Split the dataset returning a map of {:train-ds :test-ds}.
trainTestSplit(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Randomize then split dataset using 70% of the data for training and the rest for testing.
transformCategorical(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Apply an object->integer transformation with data obtained from fitCategorical.
transformMinMax(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Transform a dataset using a previously fit minimax transformation.
transformOneHot(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Transform a dataset using a fitted one-hot mapping.
transformPCA(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Transform a dataset by the PCA fit data.
transformStdScale(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Modelling
Transform dataset to mean of zero and a standard deviation of 1.


uniqueBy(Object, IFn) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Create a dataset with no duplicates by taking first of duplicate values.
uniqueByColumn(Object, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Make a dataset unique using a particular column as the uniqueness criteria and taking the first value.


variableWindow(Object, double) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Rolling
Create a variable window specification with a double windowsize for a particular column.
variableWindow(Object, double, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Rolling
Create a variable window specification with a double windowsize for a particular column and a compFn which must take two values and return a double.
variableWindow(Object, double, Keyword) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Rolling
Create a datetime-specific variable window specification with a double windowsize for a particular column.
variance(Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.dataset.Rolling
variance reducer


writeDataset(Object, String, Object) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Write a dataset to disc as csv, tsv, csv.gz, tsv.gz, json, json.gz or nippy.
writeDataset(Object, String) - Static method in class tech.v3.TMD
Write a dataset to disc as csv, tsv, csv.gz, tsv.gz or nippy.
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